Home Economics

Welcome to Home Economics! Believe it or not, this class is very important. You can actually use what you learn here, in everyday life, you do eat don't you? I hope you're excited because we will learn to make a variety of foods and most importantly, eat them! =)

Tuesday, November 6, 2007


subject: Home Economics
grade: 7th


It's Winter! What's better than unwrapping Christmas presents? Well for me, it's sitting down on my cozy sofa and eating a bowl of chicken noodle soup. Not only is it delicious, but it helps you get better when you're sick!


You and your group will need search for a chicken noodle soup recipe with the links provided. Your group will then prepare the chicken noodle recipe in class as a presentation and serve it to everyone.


DAY 1:

  • You will break into groups of 5.

  • Research a chicken noodle soup recipe.

  • Print out a copy for everyone in your group.

  • Assign necessary ingredients that each member of the group must bring in the following day. *Make sure to bring in double the ingredients that the recipe calls for*

  • Prepare for your presentation by assigning a narrator who will read out the ingredients and the steps to the class, etc.

*****HOMEWORK: Watch the video with the link that is provided in the COMMENT section and reply.*****

DAY 2:

  • Assign a specific task that each member of the group will need to perform (ex. washing the vegetables, chopping the vegetables, etc.) *Use the specific amount of ingredients that the recipe calls for*

  • Follow the cooking directions in the chicken noodle recipe

  • While waiting for your soup to cook, prepare the ingredients that you will use for your presentation tomorrow.

  • When your chicken noodle soup is done, leave it out to cool and place in the refrigerator.

DAY 3:

  • Take out your chicken noodle soup and put it on the stove to reheat.

  • Take out your prepared ingredients.

  • Present your chicken noodle soup recipe presentation to the class.

  • Serve your chicken noodle soup.